"evil contains the seeds of its own destruction"
Great concept!
To become a "worthy" JW you must...
1. start carrying your heart in your handbag.
2. be willing to give up every thread of human decentcy you ever owned.
3. be willing to treat those you are supposted to love like they are invisible.
4. be able to throw your friends (or were they ever anyway) away like yesterdays garbage.
and I could go on and on and on......
But each time I read a new story I hurt for that person. Vita, May your husband stay well. I think that woman who came to your house did you a favor (even though it hurt you alot). Are your eyes opened to their crueltys now?
They only love you when you are doing the bidding!
Isn't it interesting how they never take personal responsibility for the the rotten things they do? Its always "The WT, or "The Society", never them.
As the AA people say, keep coming back. It took me a while to post, and I'm liking it.
California Sunshine
minds are like parachutes--they only function when open.